
service saves us as well as them

Treatment Committee

Group Reps, treatment meeting chairs, and ANYONE interested in service is welcome! We NEED your help bringing The AA Message into Treatment Facilities!

We are always looking for AA members to do service chairing or speaking at our facilities. Please consider volunteering once a month.

Does your group have a Treatment Rep?  Let them know about our committee! We are also asking for gently used or new AA literature for our facilities; please bring to the SIA Office or the next SIA Business Meeting.

Facilities are taking the necessary steps to ensure visitors and patients are protected and can meet safely

to see upcoming open Treatment commitments, click here

to sign up for a Treatment commitment, click here

for more info, email

Group Treatment Representative

The group Treatment Representative is a “messenger” for his or her A.A. group, bringing information to and from the local Treatment Committee meeting. The representative informs the group of openings for speakers and chairpersons of meetings in treatment settings and also reports on the needs and activities of the committee.

What is a Literature Hoarder?

A Literature Hoarder gathers lightly used books and grapevine material from members and meetings and hoards this treasure at our Committee meeting to be redistributed to Institutional Meeting chairs for AA prospects in Institutions.

Bridging The Gap

Bridging the Gap is a program thru Alcoholics Anonymous to help people leaving a correctional or treatment facility become acquainted with A.A. and attend A.A. meetings in their home town, after they are released.

Part of Bridging the Gap between a treatment program and/or a correctional facility and A.A. is the Temporary Contact Program, which is designed to help the alcoholic in the facility make that transition from “inside” the program to life on the “outside”.

As you may know, one of the more “slippery” places in the journey to sobriety is between the door of the facility and the nearest A.A. group or meeting. Some of us can tell you that, even though we heard of A.A. in treatment or in prison, we were too fearful to go.

A.A. experience suggests that attending meetings regularly is critical. In order to bridge the gap, A.A. members have volunteered to be temporary contacts and introduce newcomers to Alcoholics Anonymous.

If you, (or someone you are working with), are being released from an Alcoholism program in a correctional or treatment facility and want to attend Alcoholics Anonymous after your release, the Temporary Contact Program of AA can match you with a volunteer AA member to get you to your first meetings and help you become acquainted with AA in your release area.

reprinted from pamphlet P-49 ‘Bridging The Gap’ with permission from Alcoholics Anonymous World Services Inc.

to sign up as a Temporary Contact, click here

for more info on Bridging The Gap, email

Do you have a Service Sponsor?

“…A.A. service is anything whatever that helps us to reach a fellow sufferer — ranging all the way from the Twelfth Step itself to a ten-cent phone call and a cup of coffee, and to A.A.’s General Service Office for national and international action. The sum total of all these services is our Third Legacy of Service.” — The A.A. Service Manual/Twelve Concepts for World Service.

Sponsorship in A.A. is basically the same, whether helping another individual’s recovery or service to a group. It can be defined as one alcoholic who has made some progress in recovery and/or performance in service, sharing this experience with another alcoholic who is just starting the journey. Both types of service spring from the spiritual aspects of the program.

Individuals may feel that they have more to offer in one area than in another. It is the service sponsor’s responsibility to present the various aspects of service: setting up a meeting; working on committees; participating in conferences, etc. In this matter it is important for the service sponsor to help individuals understand the distinction between serving the needs of the Fellowship and meeting the personal needs of another group member.

A service sponsor is usually someone who is knowledgeable in A.A. history and has a strong background in the service structure. The A.A. member is introduced to a new language: G.S.R., D.C.M., area assembly, minority opinion. They will become familiar with the Traditions, Concepts and Warranties, as well as The A.A. Service Manual/Twelve Concepts for World Service, Alcoholics Anonymous Comes of Age and other A.A. literature.

The service sponsor begins by encouraging the member to become active in their home group — coffee, literature, cleanup, attending 26 business or intergroup meetings, etc. The service sponsor should keep in mind that all members will not have the desire or qualifications to move beyond certain levels and, thus, the service sponsor might help find tasks appropriate to individuals’ skills and interests. Whatever level of service one performs, all are toward the same end — sharing the overall responsibilities of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Eventually, the service sponsor encourages the individual member interested in this form of service to attend district meetings and to read about the history and structure of Alcoholics Anonymous. At this point, the individual beginning this work should begin to understand the responsibilities of service work, as well as feel the satisfaction of yet another form of Twelfth Step work. Such individuals should be encouraged to take an active part in district activities and consider being elected to alternate positions in the district so as to learn about the responsibilities of various jobs in the service structure.

During this process it is important for the individual to continue to learn about the Three Legacies — Recovery, Unity and Service, and to understand that the principle of rotation not only allows them to move on in service, but also gives newer members the privilege of serving. Rotation also allows them to understand that no one should hold on to a position of trust long enough to feel a proprietary interest and thereby discourage newcomers from service.

Co-founder Dr. Bob said, “I spend a great deal of time passing on what I learned to others who want and need it badly. I do it for four reasons:

  1. Sense of duty.
  2. It is a pleasure.
  3. Because in doing so I am paying my debt to the man who took time to pass it on to me.
  4. Because every time I do it I take out a little more insurance for myself against a possible slip.”

The basis of all sponsorship is to lead by example. Service sponsors can impart to their sponsees the pleasure of involvement in the work of Alcoholics Anonymous. This is best done by 27 stressing the spiritual nature of service work and by pointing out the usefulness of simple footwork and faith.

Now, through knowledge and experience, the newer member is aware that service is our most important product after sobriety. With this knowledge, the individual is able to share their vision with others and ensure the future of Alcoholics Anonymous.

SIA Committee Meeting Schedule

Archives 2nd Tuesday 7pm SIA Virtual Space
Big Meeting TBA True North Church AND SIA Virtual Space
By-Laws 2nd Tuesday 6:30pm SIA Office
Corrections 1st Tuesday 7pm SIA Virtual Space
Public Information TBA TBA
Schools 2nd to last Monday 5:30pm SIA Virtual Space
Share-A-Thon last Tuesday 7pm True North Church AND SIA Virtual Space
Special Events 1st Tuesday 8:30pm SIA Virtual Space
Third Legacy TBA TBA
Treatment Facilities 2nd Friday 6pm SIA Office AND SIA Virtual Space
Treatment Facilities last Tuesday 7pm True North Church AND SIA Virtual Space
Web Committee 2nd Thursday 6pm SIA Virtual Space