what is A.A.?

the A.A. Preamble

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.

The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.

There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership; we are self- supporting through our own contributions.

A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses nor opposes any causes.

Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.

copyright © The AA Grapevine, Inc., reprinted with permission

what is an alcoholic?

Why don’t we start with what an alcoholic isn’t:

It isn’t always the “park bench bum”…
It isn’t always the person who has lost their job due to drinking…
It isn’t always the person who was arrested for DWI…
It isn’t based on age, sex identity, income, education, religion or career.

What it comes down to is how alcohol affects you, your relationships, and your reputation —

If you find yourself drunk after promising yourself or others you were only going to have couple…
If you find yourself not being able to keep commitments…
If you’re reluctant to attend an event because there’s no alcohol…
If you find you need to “pre-game” before an event…
If you don’t remember what you did while drinking…
If you encounter feelings of shame, guilt, and remorse after drinking —

Talk to us; we’ve been there, we understand, we want to help.

We’re here 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

is A.A. for me?

  1. Have you ever decided to stop drinking for a week or so, but only lasted for a couple of days?
  2. Do you wish people would mind their own business about your drinking– stop telling you what to do?
  3. Have you ever switched from one kind of drink to another in the hope that this would keep you from getting drunk?
  4. Have you had to have a drink upon awakening during the past year?
  5. Do you envy people who can drink without getting into trouble?
  6. Have you had problems connected with drinking during the past year?
  7. Has your drinking caused trouble at home?
  8. Do you ever try to get “extra” drinks at a party because you do not get enough?
  9. Do you tell yourself you can stop drinking any time you want to, even though you keep getting drunk when you don’t mean to?
  10. Have you missed days of work or school because of drinking?
  11. Do you have “blackouts”?
  12. Have you ever felt that your life would be better if you did not drink?

Did you answer “Yes” four or more times? If so, you are probably in trouble with alcohol. Why do we say this? Because thousands of people in A.A. have said so for many years. They found out the truth about themselves — the hard way.

But again, only you can decide whether you think A.A. is for you. Try to keep an open mind on the subject. If the answer is “Yes,” we will be glad to show you how we stopped drinking ourselves. Just call.

copyright © AA World Services, Inc., reprinted with permission

how to get started:

suggestions for beginners:

  • don’t drink
  • go to meetings
  • talk to other alcoholics
  • read A.A. literature
  • choose a homegroup
  • make 90 meetings in 90 days
  • get a sponsor
  • practice the 12 Steps

other resources:

AA General Service
AA Grapevine
Area 49 – SENY General Service
Suffolk General Service
Suffolk County AA Archives
Please Note: By following the above links, you will be leaving the Suffolk Intergroup Association’s website. This link is provided solely as a convenience. The Suffolk Intergroup Association is not responsible for any content on these websites.

¿Qué es A.A.?


Alcohólicos Anónimos es una comunidad de personas que comparten su mutua experiencia, fortaleza y esperanza para resolver su problema común y ayudar a otros a recuperarse del alcoholismo.

El único requisito para ser miembro de A.A. es el deseo de dejar la bebida. Para ser miembro de A.A. no se pagan derechos de admisión ni cuotas; nos mantenemos con nuestras propias contribuciones. A.A. no está afiliada a ninguna secta, religión, partido político, organización o institución alguna; no desea intervenir en controversias; no respalda ni se opone a ninguna causa. Nuestro objetivo primordial es mantenernos sobrios y ayudar a otros alcoholicós a alcanzar el estado de sobriedad.

cómo empezar:


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