Group Email Address

If your group is registered with SIA, meaning it’s on the SIA meeting list, we can provide you an SIA email account.

The group’s email address would look like:

Unfortunately, your group might not be making use of this stellar tool! Not yet that is !!

If your group would like access to its account, email with the following info:

  • Group Name
  • Town
  • email of contact person

With this account your group can:

  • efficiently communicate with SIA
  • efficiently communicate with other groups
  • have a cloud based group calendar
  • have cloud based documents (Google Docs)
  • have cloud based spreadsheets (Google Sheets)
  • have cloud based presentations (Google Slides)
  • access to full suite of Google Apps
  • have cloud based event info such as flyers
  • hold online meetings via Google Hangouts Meet

Usage Guidelines:

  • All emails should be AA related.
  • The password should also be recorded by the group secretary.
  • It is recommended for at least two group members have the address and password.
  • It is recommended that your SIA rep have the address and password.
  • Use your group email to communicate group info with SIA and other groups
  • Personal contact information cannot be posted on the SIA website.
  • Use caution when sharing any personal information and use the same caution if you receive any. Think before you forward any message that has any info such as phone numbers, make sure that the sender is OK with it.