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handy to send the
drunks our way. People get here younger and younger and probably in a lot better shape than when I got here.
I would be very curious to know out of all the calls that the Hot-line gets, how many actually result in a 12th Stepper actually calling a struggling alcoholic in the middle of the night, or even more rare, actually going to visit him in the middle of the night. Or are most of the calls just people wanting to know where a meeting is? It's been years since I have seen a newcomer being brought to a meeting by two AA's like in the old days; they all just seem to show up here. I would venture to say that out of all the members we have now, most of them got here on their own steam without the aid of a 12th Stepper and without the need or use of the hotline. That may explain some of the apathy that we are surrounded by today.
Maybe because the word got out so well, a 24/7 Hot-line isn't required anymore. Maybe a simple answering machine would do the trick. I myself would rather have a 24/7 Hot-line because it was there for me and that's the way it has always been; but because that's the way its always been doesn't necessarily mean that that is the way it should be.
Maybe an informal survey could be taken to see how many members actually got here through the use of the Hot-line or how many actually think a live, 24/7 Hot-line is even needed today?
The Bulletin" is published monthly by the Suffolk Intergroup Association of Alcoholics Anonymous, PO Box 659, Patchogue, NY 11772. "Alcoholics Anonymous" and "AA" are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. Quotes from AAWS literature are used with permission.
SIA Officers and Chairpersons Meeting:
Nov. 2 -7:30pm
at the SIA Office
SIA New Reps Orientation Meeting
Nov. 9 - 7:00pm
at Cleary School, Ronkonkoma
SIA Group Representatives Monthly Meeting:
Nov. 9 - 8:00pm
at Cleary School, Ronkonkoma
Share-A-Thon Monthly Meeting:
Nov. 10 -7:00pm
at the SIA Office
Suffolk General Service Monthly Meeting:
Nov. 19 - 8:00pm
at Trinity Lutheran Church, Rocky Point.
SIA/GSO Public Information Committee Meeting:
Nov. 17 -7:30pm
at the SIA Office
SIA Treatment Facilities Monthly Meeting:
Nov. 25 -7:30pm
at the SIA Office
November Meetings