***** 631-669-1124 24 HOUR HOTLINE - 631-669-1124 *****
Phone volunteers are needed to fill in when the assigned Group cannot muster enough people to fill a week's commitment. In this case, you will have several days notice. Volunteers are also needed to fill in during emergencies and last minute cancellations without much advance notice. We need both people who can take a 12 hour shift, and people who are available for only a few hours.
Call Dave F., Answering Service Chair.
importance of service workto themselves and to the Fellowship explained to them by their sponsors. More and more frequently, the office takes the phones during the day, when volunteers are most difficult to find. Some groups are doing more than their share to keep the phones alive. As a whole, the East End Groups are taking the phones almost twice as often as those on the West End. In the face of continuing apathy, however, these stop gap measures are not going to be enough.
Committee Chairman Dave F. is planning Hot-line workshops to be held in the various phone districts. The Phone Captains are making the rounds of the groups to explain the hot-line's function and its importance. But none of this will work unless we, each and everyone of us, step up to take responsibility for the work of the Fellowship. If we cannot find sufficiant support for the 24 Hour volunteer hot-line, we are preparing to look into other formats. Among the formats used in other areas are having the phones answered in the ofœ›ð
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