The 11th Step will not be featured in this months bulletin due to lack of participation...
If you would like to continue to see this article in your Bulletin PLEASE send, fax or call in your experience with ANY months step and we will be glad to print it!
Thank you...
113-8 Bay Avenue Patchogue, NY 11772
(631) 654-1150    FAX (631) 654-1110               Mail:  P.O. Box 659 Patchogue, NY
           >>>>>>>>>   VISIT THE SIA/GSO WEB SITE ...... WWW.SUFFOLKNY-AA.ORG   <<<<<<<<<
"The Bulletin" is published monthly by the Suffolk Intergroup Association of Alcoholics Anonymous, PO Box 659, Patchogue, NY 11772. "Alcoholics Anonymous" and "AA" are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.  Quotes from AAWS literature are used with permission.
"quote of the month"
"Anger is the wind that blows out the light of all reason."

Our sober recovery
grapevine 1966
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